About Bidor News

So what is Bidor News about?

Not many towns in Malaysia have their own townfolk initiated a news portal like this. I chance upon this opportunity due to my capacity as a digital marketer in the city. With numerous experiences in running digital and social projects, I have made a decision to create one just for my hometown, Bidor.

I am a town folk born and raised here. It is a place that not only I want to come back to which is to unwind and relax. Enjoying the cheap eats and the festive atmosphere each time a public holiday draws near. It can be a town bustling with city folks who are here for cheap eats, foodie trips and reunions.

Not much has happened but the phase and lifestyle have significantly improved. It is a town that is self-sufficient, low profile and laidback. A town that most wanted to come back to and perhaps choose to retire here someday.

How about you?

With the emerging trends of social media, this blog was born alongside it’s Facebook page counterpart located here in Bidortown Facebook page. Swing by if you must as the site features news and happenings around Bidor, it’s economy, community, and businesses.

Admin can be contacted via i@bidor.net. Feedback is pretty much appreciated.